Above photo: P.I.C poses in the men's bathroom at Sloane House. (Left to right) Scan, Miguel, Al, and Pro. Above photo: (Left to right) Miguel, Scan, Bucky, Pro, and Al. Above photo: (Left to right) Miguel, Scan, Pro, and Al. Above photo: The Twin’s Mistress was a painting that hung on a wall at P.I.C.’s favorite bar, Twin’s Pub. The woman in the painting was rumored to continue to undress during each visit to the pub (and as more beer was consumed). Twin’s pub was located across from Sloane House on 9th avenue. Many good times occurred at Twin’s which had become P.I.C.’s second home. Above photo: Al and Caitlin lighting a smoke at Twin’s Pub. Above photo: Hanging out in Scan’s dorm room. (Left to right) Al, Scan, Emily, and Caitlin. Above photo: Al (having his supper) and Scan hanging out in Scan's dorm room. Above photo: Scan looking cool in his dorm room. Above photo (Left to right): Scan, Al, and Miguel head out on the town. Above photo: Another men's room photo session for P.I.C.. (Left to right) Miguel, Scan, Pro, Cullum, Al, Bucky, and some unknown fellow (not a member of P.I.C.). Above photo: P.I.C. playing dead. Above photo: P.I.C. ventures into the women's bathroom at Sloane House. Above photo: The lady friends of P.I.C.. (Left to right) Rachel, Dotty, Emily, and Mindy. Above photo: P.I.C. and friends gather at Scan’s Corner for a group photo. Above photo: P.I.C. friend Alex and Miguel chill out in the hallway. Above photo: Super Bucky poses for the camera as Pro walks the halls of Sloane House. Above photo: Most Thursday nights were Poker Night at Scan’s Corner. Much cigar-smoking, beer-drinking, penny-stealing, and merriment would be had by all. Even Gabby the Security Guard would, at times, serenade P.I.C. with a song or two during Poker Night. However, Towel-Boy (an unruly fellow dorm-mate) didn’t enjoy poker night. He would rather come out of his dorm room (dressed only in a towel, mind you) and yell at P.I.C. for disturbing his beauty sleep. Who needs sleep when you’re in college? Above photo: It’s Poker Night as Al shows off one of his cards. (Clockwise) Pro, Miguel, Scan, and Al. Above photo: Breakin’ the law! During Spring Break of 1987, P.I.C. decided to go camping. Unfortunately, during the drive, the P.I.C. mobile got a flat tire. This, of course, drew the attention of the local authorities. The cops volunteered Al to take a ride to the nearest garage to try and get a spare tire for the P.I.C. mobile. Above photo: The police return Al back to the scene. Above photo: Al hanging out in Bucky’s dorm room. |