My Tripod Page
School Year: 1986-1987

Above photo: A Polaroid of P.I.C. while living at Sloane House. (clockwise) Sean, Miguel, Al, Scan, and Pro as they pose with the infamous P.I.C. sign.

Above photo:Scan’s Corner was P.I.C.’s favorite hangout spot at Sloane House. This popular intersection of hallways was named after Scan. Many a poker games, beer-drinking, and Sunday-morning-comics-reading happened at this happening corner of the dorm.

Above photo: P.I.C. poses in Sloane House’s mens’ bathroom. (Left to right) Sean, Miguel, Al, and Scan.

Above photo (Left to right): Scan, Al, Miguel and Solly Sol in the men’s room at Sloane House.

Above photo: P.I.C. takes a walk-about to Central Park. Here, P.I.C. stops by Columbus Circle. (Left to right) Al, Scan, Miguel, and a happy Pro.

Above photo: P.I.C. stops to take a picture. (Left to right) Miguel, Al, Pro, and Sean.

Above photo: P.I.C. stops for a bite to eat. (Left to right) Pro, Scan, Al, and Miguel.

Above photo: Studio buddies Al (who is about to have his lunch) and Pro at Sloane House.

Above photo: Miguel and Meg have some drinks at the dorm.

Above photo: P.I.C. and friends being festive in the hallways of the dorm. P.I.C. was always the life of the party at Sloane House. In fact, P.I.C. was the party at Sloane House.

Above photo: Korn and Pro dance to tunes during some Sloane House festivities.

Above photo: Al taking a nap after a Sloane House night of, um… festivities.

Above photo: P.I.C. celebrates the Met’s 1986 World Series win! Except for disappointed Red Sox fan, Chris (below and center), that is.

Above photo: Miguel about to go out on a hot date? No... as memory serves, Miguel had dressed up for a school project for Heather.

Above photo: Scan and Stephanie.

Above photo: Miguel doing some research in his dorm room.

Above photo: A goofy Al on the roof of Sloane House.

Above photo: Julia hanging outside Pro’s dorm room.

Above photo: Korn returns to the dorm with some munchies.

Above photo: Leslie and Korn hanging out in the hallway.

Above photo (Left to right): Miguel, Sean, and Al doing their best Scan imitation at the Sloane House dormitory. On a few occasions back at Sloane House, the members of P.I.C. would mock one another by roaming the halls dressed and behaving like another P.I.C. member. Why? Beats us. I guess there were days when we were bored.

Above photo: Miguel (and his cool t-shirt) in the men's bathroom.

Above photo: P.I.C. friend Mitch at the School of Visual Arts.

Above photo:Taken in a classroom at the School of Visual Arts. (Left to right) Mitch and (comic book legend and SVA instructor) Gene Colan.

Above photo: Pro and Korn have some refreshments at Columbus Circle.

Above photo: Al pretends to choke Korn as Sean idly looks on. Plus, Scan hams it up for the camera.

Above photo: P.I.C. visits Great Adventure. (clockwise) Pablo, Al, Bugs (not a member of P.I.C.), Miguel, Pro, Scan, Sean, and Korn.

Above photo: Pals Miguel and Al at Great Adventure.
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