My Tripod Page
School Year: 1985-1986

Above photo (Left to right): Sean, Miguel, Al, and, Scan in the Sloane House men's room. This was the first of P.I.C.’s famous bathroom photo secessions.

Above photo (Left to right): Miguel, Scan, and Al.

Above photo (Left to right): Al and Bill in Sean's dorm room.

Above photo (Left to right): Pro and Bill in Sean's dorm room.

Above photo: Scan in his dorm room.

Above photo: Scan and his bass guitar.

Above photo: Pro in his dorm room.

Above photo: Al’s studio at Sloane House.

Above photos: The hallways of Sloane House.

Above photo: The streets of Manhattan.

Above photo: Pro at Sloane House.

Above photo: Al at Sloane House.

Above photo: Pro drinking something yummy.

Above photo (Left to right): Pro, Al, and Bill stop by New York’s Parson’s School of Design. Why? We have no idea, either.

Above photo (Left to right): Bill, Al, and Rosemary walking through New York’s Central Park.

Above photo: In Sean's room, P.I.C. has some drinks on the last night at the dorm before the Summer break. (Left to right) Al, Rachel, and Pro.

Above photo: Sean in his dorm room at Sloane House.

Above photo: P.I.C. exhibiting their cheesy smiles.

Above photo: Scan looking cool and confident.

Above photo (Left to right): Scan, Al, and Pro in front of Sloane House on 34th street. This was moving (out) day at the dorm. Here, P.I.C. was about to leave Sloane House for the Summer break. Scan was kind enough to drive Al and his things back home.

Above photo: The Pit was the belly (or bellies) of Sloane House. They were two deep chasms filled with refuse that dug through the center of the building. By the way, this was a great place to throw any unwanted furniture at the end of every school year. Of course, no member of P.I.C. would have participated in such a thing.
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