NIHILIST-MAN AND HIS AMAZING FRIENDS #1 collects several stories featuring Nihilist-Man joining forces with the world’s greatest super-heroes including E-Man, Nova Kane, Lethargic Lad, Buzzboy, Hunter, Him, and Iago. NIHILIST-MAN AND HIS AMAZING FRIENDS #1 is brought to you be Joe Staton, Al Nickerson, Michael Kornstein, Greg Hyland, Fernando Ruiz, Brandon J. Carr, John Gallagher, Steve Remen and Nick Cuti.
"Nihilist-Man and Kid-Cockroach"
Terror X attempts to conquer the world by releasing the
evil might of the Mythos creatures. Kid Cockroach dons
his uniform and joins Nihilist-Man to confront the crazed
super-villain Terror X.
Story, inking, and lettering by Al Nickerson. Penciling by Fernando Ruiz.
"Crossover Classics"
CROSSOVER CLASSICS brings together Lethargic
Lad, Buzzboy, Nihilist-Man, Hunter, and Him. The
world’s greatest heroes band together to save the
CROSSOVER CLASSICS is brought to you by Greg Hyland, Michael Kornstein, Al Nickerson, John Gallagher, and Steve Remen.
"The Kenmore"
What is The Kenmore? It's an apartment building, silly.
It’s where an angry, walking, talking deviled egg named
Iago lives. So, what’s Iago to do when an evil super-villain decides to stay at his apartment? He calls Nihilist-Man, of course.
Story by Brandon J. Carr and Al Nickerson. Art by Brandon J. Carr.
"The Final Ka-Boom!?!"
For decades, Earth’s heroes have successfully protected
our planet from destruction. Today, our luck may have
just run out. E-Man, Nova Kane, Nihilist-Man, and
Buzzboy valiantly combat the most powerful, the most
feared, evil force in the cosmos.
Story, inking, and lettering by Al Nickerson. Penciling by Joe Staton. Additional scripting by Nick Cuti.
If you would like to learn more the characters that are featured in NIHILIST-MAN AND HIS AMAZING FRIENDS #1, please visit the following websites...
NIHILIST-MAN, KID-COCKROACH, MYTHOS, and THE EVIL JACKAL TM and copyright 2021 Albert Gordon Nickerson Jr. BUZZBOY TM and copyright 2021 John Gallagher and Sky Dog Press. LETHARGIC LAD TM and copyright 2021 Greg Hyland. HUNTER TM and copyright 2021 Michael Kornstein. HIM TM and copyright 2021 Steve Remen. THE KENMORE, IAGO, and ANDREW TM and copyright 2021 Brandon J. Carr. DR. UGLY TM and copyright 2021 Brandon J. Carr and Albert Gordon Nickerson Jr. E-MAN and NOVA KANE TM and copyright 2021 Joe Staton and First Comics, Inc. RAK-KOR TM and copyright 2021 Joe Staton and Albert Gordon Nickerson Jr. P.I.C. TOONS is a trademark of P.I.C. All rights reserved, Fan-boy! So don't swipe anything!!! Any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.